75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
Donate here to help upgrade the clubhouse & facilities


MHYC Crew Board

Boats Looking for Crew

Boat Name Skipper Name Contact Number Additional Information Date Added
WAILEA Neil Padden/ David Keddie 0410 418 665 /  0418 440 184 For Wednesday Racing 10/7/24
Gana           David Shteinman 0409 005 367 Saturdays - beginners seeking experience welcome 20/1/24

Crew Looking for Boats

Crew Name Contact Number Additional Information Date Added
Tim Curran

0421 764 964

Tim Curran <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> Looking to help with delivery up to Hamilton and /or crew spots.  experience on small yachts 25/7/24
David Hewish 0432 068019 Looking for crew spot or delivery for any of the event coming up in Queensland experienced trimmer/pit This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 13/7/24
Kelvin Wells 0414 168 963  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Avail SAturdays. experience.May 2024 Flying fish Intro Spinnakers & racing. June - Competent Crew 5days, August Hamilton Is Race Week crew with Flying Fish also. 29/05/2024
Gary Roberts 0421 185 260 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Am available for Wednesday afternoon races and events. Ad hoc experience, mainly on Sydney38s inclusive of deliveries Hobart - Sydney thrice, Sydney - Gold Coast, and Pittwater - LHI race. Most recently a season in pit and helming on a Northshore 33.   26/06/2024
Mandy Xin 0408368895 Ma Xin <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> RYA Qualification 3/07/24
Sam Pitman   Sam Pitman <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> - new to sailing. Keen for a regular Saturday spot 3/07/24
Paula Cummins     0414 816 688 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - experienced dinghy & keelboat sailor.  Available any days 29/8/24
Johan Hausoul 0413 666 318 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - some keelboat experience.  Available various times. 29/8/24

Email your information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Most listings will be removed after 14 days


Read more: MHYC Crew Board

General Noticeboard

MHYC Call for Nominations


Other Events (Non-MHYC Events)

Keelboats for Sale

Dinghies for Sale

  • Laser for Sale $1000 Info Sheet  (Note Opti and Laser For Sale by same owner- $1700 for both)
  • Opti for Sale $1000 Info Sheet

Crew Positions Available / Wanted

  • Please see Online Crewboard here

Other Notices

Read more: General Noticeboard

Frank Likely Trust

 Frank Likely was a pioneer and driving force behind MHYC’s junior sailing and safety programs. Although Frank is no longer with us, his spirit is still alive in the form of the Frank Likely Trust. This trust was formed to:

1. Perpetuate the memory of Frank Likely in view of his many years of outstanding voluntary service to yachting and Middle Harbour Yacht Club.
2. Assist Middle Harbour Yacht Club members and young sailors, selected at the discretion of the Committee, to compete in yacht and dinghy racing.
3. Support coaching and training activities at Middle Harbour Yacht Club to encourage junior sailors to participate in sailing; safely and enjoyably in the Frank Likely Spirit.
4. Contribute to the purchase of needed equipment.

Awards have been granted to a wide variety of recipients; from supporting deserving young sailors learning to sail to those that needed support in higher level competitions. In recent years the trust has assisted some of our newest offshore racers to enter ocean racing by putting them through the Safety at Sea course.

The junior learn to sail program is now well established at the club and local schools are actively participating. There are a number of areas that the trust can help. It is particularly keen to support our members to obtain, say, coaching or instructor accreditations to support this program. One of the main aims of the trust is that beneficiaries should be ready to pass on their knowledge and skills to others.

To assist the Trust in raising funds, MHYC has registered the Frank Likely Trust- Sailing Development project with the Australian Sports Foundation Ltd (ASF). This enables donations to be tax deductible. donations, on behalf of Middle Harbour Yacht Club. If you wish to make a donation to support the club in meeting the Trust’s junior sailing objectives, an ASF donation form is available here. Forms can be returned to the Club, who will then forward to the ASF for processing. Your contribution will be important to attracting young talent and guaranteeing the future of sailing. It will also make a valuable contribution to Middle Harbour Yacht Club sailing programs.

The late Geoff Foster a former Club Commodore and Trustee produced an informative booklet about the life and sailing activities of Frank Likely. In this task he had photographic and layout assistance from Marion Packer, a club Life Member. This booklet is available at here.



Read more: Frank Likely Trust

MHYC Committees 2023 - 2024


Board Chair

Neil Drabsch



Rob Aldis


Phil Clinton


Patrick Delany


Peter Lewis


Tracy Richardson





Rob Aldis


Vice Commodore Racing

Mitch White


Vice Commodore Cruising

Susanna Westling


Vice Commodore Youth Sailing

Sebastian Hultin


Club Captain

Bryan Moore


Vice Commodore Racing

Mitch White



John Crawford



Phil Darling



Sebastian Hultin



Katie O’Mara



Neil Padden


Sailing Manager / Club PRO

David Staley





Special Events Chairman

Ian Box


Vice Commodore Cruising

Susanna Westling


Vice Commodore Youth

Sebastian Hultin


Chief Safety Auditor

Phil Darling


Women’s Sailing

Katie O’Mara


Division 1 & 2

Neil Padden


Division 3 & Friday

John Crawford



Julie Hodder


Thursday Twilight

Phil Clinton


Adams 10

Kim Darling


Farr 40 / TP52

Gordon Ketelbey


Race Management

Steve Tucker


Race Management

Toby Gursanscky



Chair/Club Captain

Bryan Moore



Nicola Morgan



Nigel Smyth



Rob Aldis


Evan Rees


Jack Stening


John McGory


Alister Copley



Andrew Forbes



Ian Box


Neil Drabsch



Julie Hodder


Neil Padden


Rob Reynolds


Jack Stening



Bruce Aitken


Read more: MHYC Committees 2023 - 2024



Thanks for your payment.  If you have any questions about your payment, please contact us directly on 02 9969 1244.















Read more: Thankyou