75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Phil Clinton, a long standing and valued senior member of the Middle Harbour Yacht Club community. Phil's deep commitment to sailing and ...
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    A consistent 10 knot south easterly breeze created good conditions for the Sydney Harbour Sprint Series today with 3 races completed by the small fleet. Geoff Charters won first ...
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      The 16th China Cup International Regatta is held in the first week of November and is open to all international sailors. It is professionally run and is essentially the ...
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The 2023-2024 Sydney Harbour Combined Clubs Series attracted 59 boats for the seven races and MHYC boats dominant performances were rewarded at the prizegiving hosted by Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron ...
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Hello MHYC members.  We are on a recruitment drive for more volunteers.   Who are we?   Sailability Middle Harbour (SMH) is one of the 25 NSW programs of Sailability NSW. As ...
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The Pacific Rigging Wednesday Non-Spinnaker Series 3 Finale was sailed on a mild sunny day that became even nicer with the arrival of a moderate northerly whichenabled the fleet to enjoy a very ...
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A Keelboat Sailing Forum was held at MHYC on Wednesday 22 May to outline the proposed 2024-2025 Sailing Program, seek feedback from members and discuss any topics of interest.  Vice ...
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